Monthly Archives: September 2013

NAACP: We are the Grievance Industry

In a never-ending search for leaders in the black community to step up and steer African-Americans to better education and employment opportunities, we now have the NAACP showing their true colors. The Missouri chapter of the NAACP is calling on a federal investigation of a man donning an Obama mask as he performs as a clown in a rodeo.

A rodeo clown?


The NAACP would be better served being on the front lines in the black community, where violent crime continues to skyrocket, unemployment especially high and a whopping 74% of black children are being born out of wedlock.

“We can’t get the Justice Department to look at Benghazi, so it would be ironic that the Justice Department would investigate a clown,” said U.S. Rep. Steve Stockman, who invited the clown who wore the mask to a future Texas event.

When the NAACP continually refutes the fact that the family is where the problems arise in the black community, it stands to reason that they’re in it for the profit. The same with people such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. If race relations were harmonious, the NAACP would be out of business. As long as the racial tension remains, so will the likes of the NAACP and race hustlers, which is now widely becoming known as the Grievance Industry,

No, this seems to have more to do with hypocrisy. Rodeo clowns have traditionally worn masks over the years, and the mask of a president has not been an exception.

Inverted tolerance, you may ask?

Yes. The performing clown in question has been banned in the state of Missouri from performing and subsequent performers now must undergo sensitivity training. Mocking presidents as satire in the past has never seemed to be a problem, so what can one conclude when this incident suddenly get’s national attention?

Another distraction.

Instead of making a plan for the black community to the good, the NAACP, race hustlers and others in the grievance industry are doing nothing but attempting to sway all of America into tolerating what is already a tragedy and shame of the black community. And the people they’re looking to sway are becoming less tolerant of the black issues more and more each day.

So much for race relations.

When the left is done with the theatre that accepts this over-the-top political correctness, only then will progress be made. The black community is not, and should not, be an enterprise of profits and distraction. It means a lot to those who want progress, not the other way around, and it’s time blacks stood up to these entities to truly represent them, not set them back.

Judge Jeanine: Obama Not So Brilliant

It’s past due that American’s quit pretending everything is fine or, as long as you don’t think about it, all will be okay.

It’s not ok to sit silently while the snakes hold the picket signs. The half of this country that does NOT pay taxes are being heard and acknowledged while the half of the country who pays for everything sits, in silence, hoping the noise will go away on its own.

If you’re an American tax payer, I implore you to view the video of judge Jeanine, who confronts Obama directly, and leaves little doubt that our country is falling fast.

The issues plaguing our country are mostly being overlooked by the average working Joe. The reason for this intentional diversion is simple: American’s are busy trying to make ends meet, caring for their families, putting in long hours to pay the bills and otherwise occupied with things that have less stress than politics. But how much longer are these American’s going to remain still?

At some point in the future (likely in the next couple of years when Obama’s agenda can no longer be ignored), tax payers will have to take a stand against what appears to be a tyrannical government. The government no longer fears or respects the very people who elected them. However, some states are waking up.

Earlier this month in Colorado, State Senate President John Morse and Senator Angela Giron were removed from office in an unprecedented vote due to their stance on gun control. Voters were outraged due to their voting on gun control after being elected on a platform of protecting gun rights.

Voters are tiring of the lies told to be elected.

The recall in Colorado should have been a wakeup call to politicians on all levels, including President Obama, who has obviously deceived American’s to be elected, only to become one of the most inept, socialist POTUS in American history. It’s the opinion of this writer that if an elected official deceived voters in order to achieve an agenda, the said elected official should be jailed for a crime. After all, if a voter lies to a government entity, he/she can be charged criminally. Since when is the government above those they are employed by?

American’s have some very important decisions to make, and should do so before it’s too late. Obama is running out of time, and is on course to socialize every aspect of life, in every corner of our country.

Businesses! We Want Service!

Jobs are at a premium, and with such a tight race to these opportunities, employers seem to have the advantage. Talent abounds, and for even the minimum wage positions, those hiring can afford to be picky. But in the service industry, those hiring this talent have failed not only themselves in the form of reputation and profits, but most importantly, the customer.

So when customers (you and me) enter an establishment of varying services, what are some of the first concerns that come to mind? What are some of the expectations you envision when requesting services, mostly from complete strangers? I’m not sure about all of you, but my experiences on a customer service level has been less than flattering over the years, despite the larger pool of talent supposedly hand-picked for their true potential.

Consumers are entitled to service commensurate with their expectations. Sure, some expectations can be a little high with some, but at a time when businesses should be fighting for customers to choose their brand, there is little room for an attitude. It’s estimated that over 90% of all consumers do not complain when expectations fall short. Instead, they simply don’t return. Repeat customers are instrumental in establishing a successful business, so it’s important to pave an avenue for customers to vent their frustrations in order to address them. In this retention effort, business owners and managers must empower their employees to retain business, even if it’s at a cost.

Those looking to spend their money are looking for value, not excuses. To provide this value, employers must do their best to obtain the best customer service members possible. How the employees on the front line of your business treat customers translates into your success, or lack thereof. It’s not up to the customer to have full knowledge of your industry.

Training may only go so far, so it’s usually the effort of the customer service employee that makes the big difference. Again, attitude is everything, and if a smile and positive glow is the first thing customers see, both the customer and business have gotten off on the right foot.

Grow, with the know

Decision to Make? Use SWOT!

Guest author, Jenny Timms

You’re looking to open a business in your town, but understand there’s much more than meets the eye than merely opening the front doors of the new company. Much homework must go in to seeking out the feasibility of whether the business would fail or succeed. Many factors, on numerous levels, would help determine if success or failure would befall the venture.

Enter the SWOT Analysis, otherwise known as SWOT Matrix. Used for determining the feasibility of any form of objective, SWOT is short for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.  It’s a methodical planning tool in which a project, business launch or individual evaluation is made in great detail to determine if the objective is achievable. Also, it helps distinguish you from competitors, yielding the edge in your respective industry.

In the SWOT Analysis of your new business, the internal and external factors must be determined, as well as the positive and negatives of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. A shortlist is made under each category, rendering a clear picture of whether success will prevail or not. Too many negatives may bring modifications to the SWOT Analysis as results begin to be formed or, the project will be aborted altogether. Enough positives will allow the decision to be made to start your business. Identifying the weaknesses will enable you to determine how to better confront the threats that may stand in the way. Most importantly, the SWOT Analysis will reveal opportunities you may have overlooked.

swot pic

But building a business isn’t the only use for a SWOT Analysis. It can be utilized in all facets of our lives, on any decision-making task. On a personal level, it acts as a mirror of our negative concerns and positive attributes, which also include strengths and weaknesses, allowing the individual to see their thoughts in four easy categories. With accurate information in each column, the decision is easier to determine with the information staring back at you.

The SWOT Analysis was developed by Albert Humphrey in the 1960’s while at the Stanford Research Institute. Launched originally as SOFT Analysis, SWOT was born from trial and error to form the system we know it as today.  Over his lifetime, he was a management and business consultant for over 100 companies from around the world. Humphrey died at the age of 79 in 2005.

Although SWOT was developed over 50 years ago, it’s still used as effectively today as it was then.

Bikers and Patriots: Not on Patriots Day!

American’s must ask themselves how severe the damage is in our country as a result of political correctness. It’s because of this movement that citizens forget so easily the pain and suffering endured in the worst terrorist attacks on American soil. American’s should be implored to take a refresher on what happened September 11, 2001.

Difficult to watch? You bet it is, but it’s a reminder of the thousands of people who lost their lives that day. We cringe when we see a man fall from one of the upper floors, choosing to plunge to his death instead of burning alive from the intense fire that enveloped the Twin Towers. Now that you’ve jogged your memory, we must all stop to think for a moment what 9/11 means to all of us.

We know who carried out the attacks, but we’ll never quite understand why, and as we seek understanding on a day that is further marred by a group of Muslim’s, thousands of patriots are poised to react.

As many already know, a group known as the American Muslim Political Action (AMPAC), has organized a march into Washington tomorrow, and the timing is disturbing. In a rouse, this group claims they’ve been the victims of hate since the terrorist attacks in 2001, the premise of their march. But a study otherwise debunks that notion, finding that Jews were 6 times more likely to be targeted for hate in the United States than Muslims.

Certainly, just because these people claim to be victims, we must believe them, right?

Marching on our nation’s capitol is a slap in the face to not only American’s in general, but also the many that perished and their families. Some may argue (enter political correctness) that they have the right to do so. Sure they do, but so do others from around the country.

And not without grappling over a permit.

Over the past weekend, a permit to cruise through Washington DC was denied by the city, citing traffic concerns from the ‘2 Million Bikers’ cruise in, called Rolling Thunder. This, in response to the untimely demonstrations being planned by Muslims, has many rattled. But the patriots who believe American’s have been sitting silently long enough are not wavering.


According to US News, the ride through DC is “intended as a way to remember the people who died in the 9/11 terror attacks and the soldiers who subsequently fought al-Qaida in Afghanistan.” The group says they’re looking to demonstrate peacefully, and despite organizers being denied a permit, bikers from across the country are en route to Washington DC, undeterred by the lack of one.

They will not be stopped.

Regardless of what the argument is, it’s a blatant disregard for the pain terrorists inflicted on America, and AMPAC seems to be aligning with the very people who carried out the murders.

Political correctness stops here.

God Stopped to Help First

Car accidents are a part of our daily lives we sometimes believe will not happen to us. Technology has added to the dangers, as it only furthers our many distractions while behind the wheel. But what’s so compelling about a driver running off of the road Tuesday evening in Wesley Chapel, Florida?

Divine intervention, perhaps?

Local resident Todd Forrester, 50, left his friend’s home shortly before 9PM that night when a late model Nissan Pathfinder began experiencing trouble. As Forrester describes it, the vehicle left the road slightly, only to over-correct and fishtail. He says the SUV swerved once again, while the driver slammed on the brakes.

“The vehicle flew into the ravine, hitting a culvert. The SUV then went airborne approximately 20 feet high in a flip, landing partially upside down,” says Forrester. Amazingly the motor was still trying to sputter after it came to rest.

Immediately, Forrester came to a halt in front of where the SUV landed, invisible from the roadway it left. From the severity of the wreck, he figured the injuries could be very serious. Immediately, he grabbed his phone to call 911. He also began attempting to get other motorists to stop, screaming for help as they all drove by.


“After about 5 cars or so, one came to a stop. I was going to step in front of this one if he seemed to want to go around my truck, which was in the road. They couldn’t see the SUV, so it’s possible the others didn’t realize what was going on.”

“I aptly call this guy a good Samaritan,” Forrester continued. “He was a big guy, maybe in his 30’s. When I explained what was going on, he jumped from his vehicle and we descended into the ravine to see what we could do to help. I yelled through the windshield to the woman, asking her if there was anyone else in the vehicle. When she said there were two infants in the mangled SUV, we went to work. The good Samaritan somehow got the hatch open and behold, there were two babies strapped in their car seats.”

Forrester explained that the mother (also the driver of the SUV) had minor head trauma, but nothing too serious. “She had a knot about the size of a ping pong ball on her forehead. But the babies, who were about 1 month old and the other less than a year old, didn’t have a single scratch. And the timing? If I had not witnessed the wreck they could have laid in there trapped for a very long time.”

After Forrester and the good Samaritan got the three pulled from the smoldering wreck, emergency crews arrived within 10 minutes. “It seemed like forever,” he recalls. “I almost lost my voice from screaming for help at passing motorists. I couldn’t believe they wouldn’t stop. It’s a shame.”

Forrester also pointed out the numerous airbags throughout the vehicle that had deployed during the crash. “It was the curtain airbags that helped protect the kids,” he says.

“I laid my hands on both babies and prayed aloud, thanking God for his protection. This night will never be forgotten!”

Forrester, owner of Todd Forrester Irrigation, Inc. and also a DJ in the area for over 32 years and known as DJ Todd, states that locals know this area, less than a mile west of Handcart Road on Prospect Road, as a dangerous street to skid off of; there’s very little shoulder and is bordered by the deep ravine.

Sources: Facebook, Pasco County Sheriff’s Office