Monthly Archives: November 2013

An Obituary: Clifford Allan Gibson

It’s hard to forget the fondest of memories and, I suppose being fondest allows us to remember them well. Some memories are clear as day, while others urge us to close our eyes to think back past the haze our minds seem to get as our years advance.

No need to close my eyes today.

I recently learned that my dear uncle, Cliff Gibson, had passed away after a short bout with cancer. I say short because within just months of learning about his illness, it claimed his life. He was 70 years old.

True, there was an obituary written in honor of my charismatic uncle, but there was little to no mention of family who he meant the world to.

He and my aunt divorced in the mid 80’s. It came as a shock because Uncle Cliff was a family man, and the days of many holidays and visits were bound to create the wonderful memories. Most of us couldn’t imagine them apart, but it’s neither here nor there as to why they split, and it should have never divided us like it did.

Very selfish.

From the time I was born, I loved him very much, as he went out of his way to make us all feel loved and looked after. I remember the birthday parties for my cousin and I, and the times we opened Christmas gifts, gathered in a large circle with giggling children. Uncle Cliff would hand them out, making jokes and funny faces. He always made us laugh, and he always had the knack of cheering us up.

Late Uncle Cliff Died 110513

I’m uncertain why the original obituary didn’t include many other important details of Uncle Cliff’s life, but I can attest that he was a wonderful man, wonderful husband and a wonderful dad. The silence surrounding his life after divorcing my aunt was bothersome, as some family became bitter over the event that changed many lives. At many points in my life, I didn’t even know where he was, as if nobody wanted to speak about it. No matter the selfish reasons, he was still a positive example of an uncle, brother, cousin and father to many.

Well, he’s gone now.

This obituary is a simple one. It’s not about me or anyone else except Clifford Allan Gibson. Those who were lucky enough to know him understand that this world lost a good man on November 5, 2013. There’s no need to wonder where Uncle Cliff is anymore.

He’s at the feet of God, and surely, I will join him some day.

Who is Dividing us, and Why? Part 2

What’s going on in our country, usually behind closed doors in secrecy, is not only confusing, but also quite a mess. It would seem this way to most of us because we can’t make sense of it all – we just don’t have all the information we need to put the puzzle together. But some of us are working on it diligently.

Our minds are an easily influenced entity. Most of us wouldn’t admit that, but given the attitudes of a divided nation, the obvious is certain: The way we receive our information is in the hands of the very government with so much to hide.

That’s correct. The mainstream media has the attention of those gullible enough to tune in to it, believing what they hear. It has become political correctness on steroids, tearing us all apart from the unity that once made us a proud nation. It has gotten to the point that it’s us against them. No matter the answer, correct or incorrect, it’s about beating out the other party, or group. So when the government has the media around their finger, it’s simple to see what they’re trying to do.

Putting us at war against each other.


So what is the media telling us? Are they telling us the truth? Are they telling us everything we need to know?

Not likely to both of those questions. In fact, the news we’re being fed is nothing more than theatrics to win our approval. An ongoing drama complete with props, false testimony and outright lies. A misinformed America is a compliant America, and the Obama Administration is guilty as charged.

Then there’s the media the left doesn’t want you to know about. Whether it be a well-informed blogger or a website with information the government otherwise wouldn’t want released in the mainstream media, the government is in control of our lives. This is not the American dream our forefathers had in mind. In fact, it has been proven time and again that our rights, as outlined in The Constitution and Bill of Rights, are being violated daily.

At the behest of a liberal socialist and his handlers.

Recently, president Obama stated that the entities outside of the mainstream media must not be believed. Why would he say this? The Exposure already knows the answer, but I’ll gladly explain. There’s a simple explanation the left would like you to ignore.

Searching for examples, we found a blogger who apparently made it his goal to explain, in great detail, the many untruths and deceptions of our current president. The list was lengthy, and full of citations. Painstakingly, we made it a point to disprove or discredit the lengthy list, and in detail did the research citing the occurrences. We always do our best to keep it factual, as there’s no room for error in an otherwise misinformation age.

Dan From Squirrel Hill’s Blog is the site in question.

Apparently, Dan has made it his mission to inform American’s about the media bias that has been revealed through many different actions of our president and his administration. In a blog titled, “Obama Supporters will go hysterical over this well sourced list of 423 examples of his lying, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, etc.” the facts were there, and citations were plentiful to back the many claims. In fact, we couldn’t find a single item that could be proven wrong.

The mainstream media has America mesmerized, and the government has a propagandist mouthpiece for an agenda that is anything but patriotic or beneficial. In fact, it’s further evidence that we have a president intent on destroying our country from the inside out. And thus far, he is succeeding.

In an effort to educate American’s on the many deceptions plaguing our country, we’ll randomly pick from the lengthy list for a closer look in this series, in language all can understand. Many of us bloggers have an education equivalent to or exceeding many journalists in the media.

Who is Obama to say we cannot be believed?