Monthly Archives: February 2014

Have a Hart Poster Design to be Distributed

Organizers of the Have a Hart Memorial Benefit have released the final design of their new flyers and posters to the public for distribution. The posters will be given to local businesses for display and flyers handed out to the public in strategic locations. Saint Leo University donated the materials and performed the printing, and was designed by Sharon Perkins.

A huge thanks to Saint Leo University and Sharon!


Organizers also announced a volunteer and committee meeting next month to discuss donation methods and procedures. There, instructions and ideas will be made to solicit area businesses for prizes to be raffled or auctioned for the benefit of Kayla Borden, daughter of the late Kelly Hart. Donations to this cause will go directly to Kayla, who is struggling financially in the wake of her loss. Family say Kayla is having a difficult time, but is very grateful to all the friends who are stepping in to help without being asked.

Those who wish to volunteer at the event are urged to attend the meeting being held at Beef O’Brady’s in downtown Dade City on March 4th at 6:30 PM. There, they will be assigned to a coordinator that has already been placed for the purpose of fundraising, donation solicitation, flyer/poster distribution and other important roles that will make the event a success.

Finally, it should be recognized that although the event is going to raise much-needed funds for Kayla Borden, the most important element of the Have a Hart Memorial Benefit is simple:  Friends and family wish to assemble in order to celebrate Kelly’s life with laughter, reminisce memories and of course, remember the inspiration she spread to all.

Kelly Hart is the face of this event.

Support for the event is asked of all. If you or someone you know would like to assist in this effort, please visit the designated Facebook page for the event, that is sure to be a venue participants won’t soon forget.

Have a Hart!

Related Stories: Kelly Hart-Harper: Inspiration, and Beyond, Kelly Hart: Where to go from here, Have a Hart Memorial Benefit a Go!

How Hollywood is Desensitizing America

Ever since the days of old westerns and mafia movies, the question has been raised about the effects of viewing violent content. For its time, westerns were very violent, as gunslingers were idolized for their cool heads and deadly ability to kill another in a duel of draw. As Hollywood has evolved, it has become clear that sales ride shotgun when it comes production time.

Let’s face it. Violence sells.

But at what price has Hollywood strived to keep us entertained on the big screen and television? At what point will Hollywood and its stars acknowledge there’s a correlation between what people view day after day and the rising violence in our nation? Those are questions that go largely ignored, primarily due to the billions being made every year. It feeds the lavish lifestyles of its stars, so it should come as no surprise that many actors and actresses give no credence to the fact that violence only begets violence.

What’s worse, Hollywood also has its stars who seemingly have “credentials” when it comes to swaying American’s in politics. Most Hollywood nitwits are backing Obama on gun control, contradicting the very movies they peddle that are full of shootings, beatings, rapes and other hideous violence. This is also being perpetuated in the music industry, whereas rap has glorified gun violence for gang activity and the like.


The Exposure had to dig a spell, but did find one actor who is going against what’s popular in Hollywood with a glimmer of common sense. Bruce Willis has historically defended the 2nd Amendment right to carry a firearm and believes it’s an inherent right under The Constitution. He also rejects the notion that banning all guns would make a difference in a Sandy Hook scenario.

“Everyone has a right to bear arms,” said Willis in a 2000 interview with USA Today. “If you take guns away from legal gun owners, then the only people who have guns are the bad guys.”

So, the 2nd Amendment has its advocates in Hollywood. But very few. Sylvester Stallone for instance, known for movies depicting countless shootings and killings, seems aligned with the Obama agenda, who by all obvious accounts wants guns taken from the hands of legal gun owners.

The point is, rhetoric in Hollywood is rampantly aligning with liberal agendas, and should not be trusted nor relied upon for sound advice on how repeated exposure to violence affects us in the long term. In the black community, rap is the new father-figure, but if you’ve ever heard the material, especially over the last 10 years, you’d be alarmed that the lyrics are promoting hate against whites and rivals, often even urging to kill cops, who are to be looked upon as an enemy.

Not all in the black community are amused. A funeral home mortician from New Jersey is attempting to reach the youth of inner city violence, imploring them to think about death before it’s too late.

Earlier this year, in a study by The Media Research Center’s Culture and Media Institute, 5 top movies were scrutinized over a given weekend. The report states that among those movies, “there were 65 scenes with violence, with 185 individual victims, most but not all of whom died as a result.”

What I found interesting in the report was that in 38 of those scenes, gun violence was depicted.

We’re supposed to believe that it’s okay for these actors to use guns and violence to make their millions, but speak negatively about guns when their liberal agenda is at stake.

Sources: Media Research Center, Culture and Media Institute

Identity Theft: Don’t Be Naive – Part Two

Today, I’d like to share with readers what to do in the event their identity is stolen. We’ve previously discussed what things to look for when identity theft is suspected. But how identity theft is handled by the victim will make all the difference in not only putting a halt to financial ruin, but also bringing the culprit to justice.

Through much research, and extensive time navigating through webs of complicating steps victims must wade through, I’ve come up with a must do list. As soon as you realize your identity has been compromised, immediate attention is needed to stop the ongoing damage. This would include, but not be limited to, contacting the creditor right away to dispute the charges as yours. At this time, the creditor will ask if you’d prefer to begin an investigation, freezing the account. Failing to freeze the account would allow the identity thief more time to spend in your good name.


The creditor will also inform you that if you’d like to begin an investigation, it’s wise to file a police report with local authorites. In doing so, it bridges investigators between the creditor and law enforcement. Many credit card issuers require this report to continue their investigation, which ultimately negates any outstanding balances and damage to credit. To not do so would, by default, tell the creditor that you do not want an investigation and are taking responsibility for any outstanding balances. Also, no changes in credit rating will be made due to damage the theft has caused.

After these two steps are followed, it could be weeks before the investigation wraps up. So in the meantime, here’s some preventitive measures that should be taken:

  • Place a fraud alert through the three consumer reporting agencies, TransUnion, Equifax and Experian.
  • Close any accounts you suspect may be affected.
  • File a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission
  • Obtain your credit report.
  • Stay alert and take control.

Placing a fraud alert through consumer/credit reporting agencies, you’re making them aware that your score is being affected by no fault of your own. It also helps flag suspected activity  the reporting agencies are alerted of. Request they contact you if any suspected activity occurs.

Closing all accounts you suspect may be affected will stop further damage from occurring, should the identity thief continue running up a tab.

Filing a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), important information is relayed in order to assist law enforcement across the nation in stopping other cases from happening, or in order to apprehend identity thieves.

Obtaining a credit report will alert you of any other activity that may be occuring with your good name. Many identity thieves aren’t first-offenders, and may have multiple credit accounts of some nature open in your name.

Many identity thieves go from one victim to another, and some go years before being detected, after much damage is caused. In fact, many of these criminals are never caught because some can be very savvy. The ones that are exposed, usually arrogant, self-centered criminals that believe they’re entitled, are usually the least brightest.

If an identity thief is apprehended and brought to justice in a court of law, the penalty can be very severe. As a believer that since very few of these criminals are caught, an example must be made of the ones that are. I looked into Georgia Statutes for these type of crimes, and it seems the latest legislation calls for minimum sentences. This means the judge has very little discretion during the penalty phase of these type of convictions..

Identity theft, as is usually transcended into a charge of ‘Financial Identity Fraud’ in Georgia, is now considered a felony, and is punishable by 1-10 years incarceration and restitution to the victim(s). As the statute reads, and as translated by a collegue that’s an attorney, the convicted identity thief will be sentenced to one year minimum; and in more damaging cases, the judge can then add more time, up to ten years.

Identity theft is an epidemic in this country laws are running to catch up with. States around the country are cracking down on a crime that in my opinion, takes a bottom feeder to commit when causing harm to defenseless, law-abiders around them.



Identity Theft: Don’t Be Naive – Part One

You  go on a routine trip to pick up a few things from the grocery store. After picking out your items, you head to the checkout lane. Thinking of your grand dinner plans for the evening, you give your credit card for payment. But the cashier informs you that the card couldn’t be authorized for payment. Knowing your account should have enough limit, you ask the cashier to try it again, and that there must be some kind of mistake.

After the second unsuccessful try, you sense something very wrong.

Experiencing this, you try to reason that something must be amiss with your bank. There must be some sort of mistake. Upon contacting the bank, they tell you that according to their records, you’ve gone over the limit allowed on the credit card. Knowing  you had not used the card very much, and knew the credit limit well, it sinks in that something happened on your card that you weren’t aware of.

Sometimes, the bank does mess up. But other times, the bank isn’t aware of anything more than a balance and a due date for the payment. So when you suspect there’s a problem with your credit card, you’d better believe  you should be very concerned with your credit rating as well.

I’m referring to identy theft, an ever-growing problem in this country that steals from millions of American’s each year. Identity theft victims are often robbed of their good name, credit score and money through deception of another. Identity thieves often target credit cards, health benefits and income tax returns, just to name few. While methods of detection for identity theft have come far over the last 20 years, so has the ability of the identity thief, always looking for ways to prey on unsuspecting, law-abiding citizens.


Understanding how identity theft is made possible is the key component to reducing the risk of being a victim. Knowing how to react would stop the bleeding. Here, we’ll discuss what you should do if you suspect your identity has been compromised.

Although it will be time consuming, there’s little choice but to save your good name, credit and other finances. Let’s first look at other signs that your identity has been stolen:

  • Unexplained withdrawals from your account(s)
  • Don’t receive bills or other mail
  • Debt collectors contact you about debt you don’t owe
  • Unfamiliar charges or accounts on your credit report
  • You’re arrested for a crime someone else commited in your name

Who we trust with our information, and how we protect it from criminals, makes all of the difference in the world. But how is this growing problem being addressed?

The penalty has become stiffer under laws to deter identity theft, and much more must be done. But in the meantime, trust nobody with your personal information, as there are opportunists looking for victims. Being aware instead of complacent is key. Always protect your social security number, credit card information and even your driver’s license number. As I’ve always lamented, we as people would like nothing more than to be able to trust others. The same holds true here. But unfortunately in this technological age, even those closest to us could be the identity thief.

Part two of this series will inform consumers on what they need to do when becoming a victim of identity theft. It’s unfortunate, but the victim’s are the most burdened. Identity theft is a serious crime, but by educating consumers better, this act of fraud can be minimized.

Parade Kicks off Pasco County Fair

February 17th marked the beginning of something special that arrived for the 67th time in Dade City, Florida. The opening ceremony began with a parade, an event that seems to grow larger by the year. Thousands turned out to watch on the sidelines as floats, local celebs and special acts slowly moved along the downtown route.

Spectators waved and the children chased the treats being handed out by participants. Not a cloud in the sky, it was a picture-perfect Florida day in the mid-70’s, ideal for all ages.

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Let the Good Times Grow was the theme of this years Pasco County Fair Parade, and those who designed the floats did an incredible job. Some had to get creative due to their respective industry or fields, but it didn’t hinder them. Saint Leo University was a fine example of that, adding a special touch to their 1928 Chevrolet truck.

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Local school bands played on note, the flag teams twirled in unison and the kids, who had the day off from school, made it that much better. Being the second year Brian’s Daily Exposure has covered this event, we knew having the camera on hand to share with those who couldn’t make it was paramount.

After the parade, the gates opened at the Pasco County Fairgrounds. And just like last year, we’d like to point out some tips for fair-goers to make this years event as safe and enjoyable as the last.

*  Be patient. The fair only comes around once a year and people (especially kids) are excited and may cut in line, walk in front of you, or be in your way.

*  Walk past the food at the entrance. The rides are at the back of the fair. Eat on the way out or take a break to nosh.

*  The exhibits are free, but some shows are not. Experience the “small town” feel of the fair by viewing the exhibits made by area school children, civic groups, and non-profit organizations. The exhibit halls are also great areas to escape weather elements. Most years, it rains at least one day of the fair.

*  The Dade City area, in general, is going to be busier than usual during fair week. Avoid State Road 52 by the fairgrounds.

-To travel to Saint Leo/San Antonio, drive down Saint Joe Road to Happy Hill Road. Turn right onto SR 52.

-Another alternate route is Smith Road to Clinton Avenue. Turn left from Smith to travel to US 301.

*  Avoid fast food restaurants immediately after school/work, as well as immediately after the midway closes. Many “locals” avoid the high prices of fair food and instead treat their children to a hamburger.

*  The midway offers unlimited rides all week (prices vary). View the Pasco County Fair Association’s webpage for information, including hours of operation, prices, and special events.

*  Be watchful of pedestrian traffic – especially young teenagers. A school is nearby and many children will be headed from Pasco High to the fairgrounds. Avoid Florida Avenue, Meridian Avenue, and especially SR 52.

Have fun everyone. The weather is expected to be exceptionally good and the entertainment even better as the annual event runs until February 23rd. Enjoy the pictures!

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Gun Control Not Science Fiction

Do you remember the science fiction movies, shows and stories of the 50′s, 60′s and 70′s? Many of us do, and have looked back in our history of Hollywood bringing us what writer’s thought the future would look like. Or how our culture would change. The films of old brought space ships and technology to life, even though it didn’t exist at the time.

Well, many of the things we thought to be impossible have been brought to life. Some of these only-imaginable dreams came true. Were the writers of those days trying to sell us the script to the future or were they what we’d like to consider conspiracy theorists of their time? The controversy continues on so many levels, but when the coincidences began to mount, eyebrows were raised.

Last year, news broke on MSN News that Aaron Swartz, a pioneer and co-author of RSS technology and internet activist apparently died by his own hand, commiting suicide. He was 26.

Swartz led the way in blocking a bill introduced in 2011 aimed at giving the government broad power over limiting the access of certain sites on the internet. By creating the group Demand Progress and gaining popular support, the bill was withdrawn over public pressure and criticism. It’s no secret this didn’t please the government. Read more on Swartz HERE.

In an Obama Administration push for gun control, there seems to be a lot of distractions, smokescreens and deception running amuck in our media and government press releases. The bigger picture is a scary rendition of what’s to come for us all if our country continues its current course. As such, it also doesn’t seem many wish to get involved in the right/left controversies of the last several years. It seems those against the liberal policies are being villainized and arbitrarily shamed by the mainstream media. Since Obama was elected to his first term, more doubt than ever flooded the minds of Americans. At least those that cared.

We’ll explore the overall picture in time, but it was favorable to mention the distractions that are overwhelming us, confusing the masses. Gun control seems to be yet another component to be removed from the rights of Americans. To deny that our rights are shrinking would be pure ignorance or propaganda.


So what do we believe?

The Facts. We refer to what we know, and what’s there before us in recent history provides the answers. We all know somebody who will debate to no end despite clear evidence. A society that has been intellectually watered down is beginning to affect us in many ways. Those believing in a liberal, socialist solution (or worse), are contributing to this serious dilemma, as the very moral and patriotic fabric is being torn away from us as a once great nation.

As reported by Natural, the founder of Noveske Rifle Works, John Noveske, was killed in a car accident on January 3rd. It’s being rumored his death wasn’t an accident. Noveske was an opponent of gun control, voicing his opinions web-wide and lobbying for legislation that would preserve the 2nd Amendment: Our right to bear arms as American citizens. In a final post to Facebook, Noveske described a different cause to the shootings that have rocked the country of late. He suggested youth and adults are being over-medicated for depression and other mental health issues, the trigger to much of the influx in mass killings with assault-style weaponry. Read his compelling, factual entry HERE.

By comparison, hand guns make up the bulk of shootings nation wide.

Swartz and Noveske had something darkly in common: They were taking on cronies of an administration not known for its transparency or its appreciation for the core of Americans who make up tax payers. As the voices of movements such as these begin to be silenced, it’s difficult to believe in coincidences.

The conspiracy theorists are as believable as the science fiction shows of yesteryear. But as the writers of those productions predicted in movies, there are spaceships now. If we thought the government was underhanded before, we haven’t seen anything yet. As even Hollywood has shown, there’s truth to the hype.

If it goes unchecked.

Fat-shaming, taken too far

by guest author, Jenny Timms

Fat-shaming. I hadn’t even heard that term until I read this article, and now I’m even more disgusted by the political correctness that seems to permeate our nation, causing us to be afraid to offer advice or criticism. In fact, most Americans are afraid to tout success for fear of being seen as condescending or patronizing. It’s a shame and sad indication of just how far our country has fallen from the proud nation we once were.

Kids are told that winning or losing doesn’t matter. Guess what? It does. The thrill and feeling of accomplishment that accompanies winning can be a valuable lesson to a child.  Children need to know that hard work, determination, and sacrifice pay off and that sometimes the “good guy” does finish first. On the opposite side of this coin is the need for children to learn how to lose. I’ve seen too many young adults possess a sense of entitlement simply because he or she never had to suffer a loss or feel the disappointment of not getting his or her way. Children need to be taught how to shake the winners hand with grace and dignity and to work harder for a victory.

Maria Kang knows the value of hard work. She’s a business owner, mother and fitness model. She posted post-baby photos on her Facebook page, hoping to inspire women to become healthy and active. Her intention was not to hurt anyone’s feelings, make anyone feel bad about themselves, or poke fun at obesity. In fact, her goal was to show that being a busy mom is not an excuse for being overweight. She wanted to point out that if she can be healthy with 3 young sons, it is possible for others to be healthy. Her intentions were taken grossly out of context and more than a year later, she was publically attacked for her views and her photos.


Isn’t it hypocritical that the same groups Kang is accused of offending are now attacking her for suggesting that fat people get off the couch and move? Who is the real bully here?  If Kang had posted pictures of obese individuals and made comments about their obvious gluttony, then I would say she was a bully. She didn’t target an individual.  What she did was post a picture of herself and 3 sons with the headline, “What’s Your Excuse?” She did this to promote her business, inspire others, and maybe even celebrate her success.

As well she should have!

This lady has worked hard to look good, feel good, and be healthy. Instead of criticizing her, maybe anyone offended by her pictures or statements should learn from her.

Maria Kang should not be made to feel guilty because she is proud of how hard she worked after having 3 children in 3 years.  She should not have to apologize for trying to inspire others, encourage a healthy lifestyle, or promote her business. She is not the bully here. She did nothing wrong. Bullying is a real problem in this country, but sometimes we mistaken who the real bully is.

Have a Hart Memorial Benefit Implements Procedures

Have a Hart Memorial Benefit, an event created by friends of the late Kelly Hart for the purpose of helping her daughter, Kayla Borden, has announced official procedures. These procedures include, but aren’t limited to, donation instructions and the inner-planning of the volunteers themselves.


Organizers met for the first time on Wednesday in Dade City, where they began hammering out the details of the event and roles that would be played in making the benefit concert a success. According to Jenny Timms, Have a Hart Memorial Benefit will be considerable work, but in numbers, is achievable.

“From this day forward, we want transparency, accountability and oversight: everything from planning to the execution of the show itself,” said Timms.

According to Timms, there are distractions that should be ignored, as there will always be detractors. She explained that in going public about the inner-workings of the project, the integrity will be safeguarded. “In doing so, we are utilizing Brian’s Daily Exposure as a central point where donors and friends can view financials, donation procedures, donor information and donor inventory,” Timms added.

A new page will be created on Brian’s Daily Exposure for this purpose.

For the time-being, those closest to Kayla have sent out important instructions for donating. They’re directing all donors who would like to help to send their donations directly to Kayla until an official bank account can be opened for this purpose. All donations must be addressed to her, as well as checks/money orders bearing her name. If you decide to do so, please write a short note wishing her well. She is in real need of support from us all.

Send donations to:

Kayla Borden
35207 Perch Dr.
Zephyrhills, FL 33541

Organizers ask all who have questions concerning the memorial benefit in March contact them at (813)602-9423. More information will be released as it becomes available.

Have a Hart!


4 Star Admiral: Here’s What Really Happened in Benghazi

Finally, someone of considerable credentials has stepped forward with his take on the Benghazi scandal. Undoubtedly, Obama and his minions will do what they can to keep this story under the radar, and it goes without saying that the information the 4 star general has is going to blow up the airways sooner or later, despite the Obama Administration denials that there was wrong-doing.

The story as it truly unfolded

According to a report from the Washington Times, retired 4 Star Admiral James Lyons reveals the entire plot that led to the deaths of Americans in Libya that could have been prevented, who gave the orders, and why events took place as they tragically did. Admiral James Lyons is probably the highest ranking figure ever to intervene in a federal government criminal case, and testify. Thanks to this man’s dedication to his country and the truth, we will finally know the truth and who was responsible.

In his words, Lyons says that the attack on Benghazi was a bungled kidnapping attempt to be perpetrated upon Ambassador Stevens. This was to appear to be a hostage exchange for a terrorist prisoner who was to be released in trade for a supposedly captured US ambassador. The trade would have been for Omar Abdel Rahman, an international prisoner, known as the Blind Sheikh.

Admiral Lyons

Admiral Lyons

This apparent abduction by terrorists of our ambassador and then negotiated trade for the Blind Sheikh would have been the “October Surprise” that would have elevated President Obama’s flagging popularity and boosted his approval ratings for a re-election. A dramatic prisoner exchange that saved our ambassador’s life. However, something went horribly wrong. A cunning and illegal bit of treachery by the Obama White House turned into something entirely different. Obama’s October Surprise turned into a carnage orchestrated by the White House itself as the President, Leon Panetta, and CIA Director David Petraeus watched via a UAV real-time feed as a 7 hour attack on the Benghazi Embassy raged. Reportedly, stand down orders were given several times to different units within striking distance.

A plot of pure deception

With what should have been only a staged kidnapping of Ambassador J. Christian Stevens, instead, Navy Seals Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty refused a stand down order and began doing their job of protecting the ambassador using force. Immediately the well-trained Seals began inflicting heavy casualties upon the terrorists who thought they were merely in a cake walk to abduct Ambassador Stevens without mishap. As a result of the plan going awry, a massive attack arose from the anger of the terrorists who felt they had been betrayed by President Obama. In the aftermath of the battle which saw Navy Seal Glen Doherty killed after the embassy had been overrun along with the ambassador’s staff. Ambassador Steven’s, whose body showed up 5 hours later at a Benghazi hospital, supposedly was overcome by smoke, but as the initial foreign press reports indicated a much different outcome, in fact, Stevens was raped, tortured, and dragged around Benghazi in retaliation for the botched Obama White House plan. If not for foreign press agents, who were there and saw, we would never have known the truth as the sold-out leftist media of the US would have hidden this fact to aid President Obama’s campaign efforts.

Obama hands over Libya to Al Qaeda

Was this just a freak occurrence that belies the true nature of dealings in Libya with American diplomatic efforts, just one glitch in normal standard operating procedure? No, according to former Admiral Lyons and many others such as Glen Beck, who have all uncovered evidence that lead to much more sinister deeds being undertaken. Evidence of a working relationship between the US and its alleged terrorist enemies had already delivered Libya to the Al Qaeda terrorist organization through infiltration of the government, media, and general society prior to the rebellion against Muammar Gaddafi that toppled the dictator last year. That the US has worked with Al Qaeda awarding them security contracts for all US embassies and consulates as well as border protection has instead allowed Libya to become a haven for numerous terrorist operators who have automatic access to Libya’s territory to carry out their training. All this with the support and blessing of the Obama administration. This is not only unthinkable, but beyond excuse or rationalization. There should already be indictments for many in the state department, in the DOJ, all the way up to the oval office, yet, so far nothing has been done.

Treason plain and simple

It goes even farther than that. Evidence indicates that Ambassador Stevens was being used as an arms dealer to supply Jihadists in the region to support yet another uprising in Syria. Just prior to the murder of our ambassador, he was trying to locate guns that had been walked across Libya’s border through Turkey to other countries just as the ATF had done in operation Fast and Furious on the border of Mexico. These are not the actions of inexperience or bad intelligence. They are the actions of traitorous intent. President Obama will, no doubt, be linked to these deaths and operations if Congress will only act, and do its duty in prosecuting a treasonous president who is endangering national security.

There is nowhere else for a Congressional investigation to turn other than naming the conspirators, determining when officials knew, and assembling the evidence that murder was committed on behalf of the White House to silence those who knew and could testify. Throughout the Obama presidency over the last four years the administration has master- minded operations that have caused numerous controversies and crisis’s, not to mention the deaths of Americans.

When will the GOP take action?

The Republicans have missed opportunities to discredit the President, to impeach Obama in the wake of waging war against Libya without Congressional approval, and allowed executive privilege to  quash subpoenaed demands for evidence on Fast and Furious never released by AG Eric Holder. John Boehner, Speaker of the House, has refused to exercise initiative whenever the GOP could have used much-needed momentum to stem the tide against the incessant assaults against state’s rights, constitutional rights, and the traditional institutions of America. Will the recent damning evidence now uncovered over the Benghazi fiasco, thanks to Admiral James Lyons, be implemented to convict the President of potential high treason, or will we see yet another case of criminal acts ignored and hidden at the expense of the American people? If you bother to take interest and act as a responsible citizens contact your congressman and demand action!


Dade City Car Show Doesn’t Disappoint

In a nick of time, the weather improved for the Dade City Car Show, held on the first Saturday of each month. After weeks of chilly days, the sun came out as if to greet car enthusiasts and guests attending, who love the sounds of not only the high performance engines, but also of families musing at these rare collectibles.

Many of the antique cars were quite old, but age didn’t damper the appearances, as some looked as if they came off the showroom floors of their day. Saint Leo University, sporting a 1928 Chevrolet truck donated by Leo Janssens, displayed a showroom-quality vehicle from a year that Steamboat Willy was released as the very first Disney cartoon. A glance at this beauty took many back to memory lane.

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Saint Leo University intends to bring it back during the course of the year for all to revel, as will many others who have made restoring cars a part of their lives. The Exposure took a few snaps of others, and wanted to share with the audience. Click to enlarge.


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